Pure Lifestyle
The Pure Diet is not only a dietary habit but also a lifestyle. It relays to our daily eating, clothing, living, and traveling. When we practice the pure diet lifestyle, we are more mindful. It’s no longer only talk but practical action. To have a healthy and civilized lifestyle, we start with the pure vegan diet, then extend to good habits, thinking patterns, righteous acts, etc. Open up the life visibility that we shoulder the responsibility of contributing to a more beautiful world!
Coffee & Tea
Coffee and tea have life after picking from the tree. Their first life grows on the branches and fine-making process skills. Their second life requires baristas and tea masters to awaken them up. When it's ready to make coffee or tea, we all need a small amount of water for the first brow. It is called " bloom" in coffee and "awakening" in tea. Why this step? It tells us about the second life of coffee beans and tea leaves.